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While masturbation is a necessary and valuable part of a healthy sexuality, it’s frequently the silent party of a person’s sexuality – the part people are usually ashamed of. So we are here to ruin some misbeliefs about masturbation for you. It’s too pity our community encourages shame and guilt about self-satisfaction. Nevertheless, despite the hush-hush attitude the majority of us have accepted the subject; the majority of guys do masturbate and will acknowledge it openly amongst their male friends.

When the speech is about masturbation, girls are very different. An immensely greater part of women either don’t masturbate or keep silence about it. Well, girls, here is some information about why self-satisfaction may be great not only for you, but also for your relationships. We give you four reasons why you need to masturbate.

It’s helpful

Masturbation helps us get to know our mind and our body. During masturbation, we learn about what turns us on. On a mental level we can tune in to our dreams to realize the kinds of things that turn us on when masturbating. During masturbation, do we fantasize about being dominated or being watched? These are answers that help us to understand what makes us aroused, and in turn, we can begin to realize how to get our needs met by a partner.

Persons who are having issues with getting aroused or reaching an orgasm can take advantage of masturbating and self-pleasing, getting to know your body techniques. Girls, in case you have problems with masturbation, we also offer you to try some toys. Using a sex toy, for instance a dildo, is a general way for girls to learn to achieve orgasm. Purchasing a vibrator can be something you want to add into your sexual life. Getting acquainted with your body through the use of a sex toy is also a perfect way to find out what you like, and can be a fun and exciting thing to introduce to a sexual partner, as well.

It’s healthy

Masturbation is good for your health. It can take off stress and tension and can help with the inability to fall asleep. There is a proof that the chemicals released during orgasm can save from depression. Also, there is a research that reports that women who masturbate are more likely to be concerned with their sexual health and drop to gynecologist more often. We aren’t sure if this last one is altogether true, but we can see the correlation since girls who masturbate may be more in-tune with their bodies, and thus, drop to gynecologist more often.

It’s sexy

Masturbation can make you a sexier person. It isn’t true that a sexually active girl doesn’t need to masturbate. Sex with a partner is great but masturbation is great too. Why deprive yourself of masturbation because you have sex? It just doesn’t make sense. Would you deprive yourself of ice cream just because you had a cake? We don’t think so. In Italy people eat pizza before they eat pasta. Do you get our hint? A bit indulgence in developing your sexual life will make you a sexier person around too.

It’s great

Mutual masturbation is perfect for partner sex game. It takes the focus away from the need to satisfy each other and can help couples to understand the value of self-pleasure and self-care within a relationship. Besides, mutual masturbation helps us get to know each other just a little bit better. Knowing what you prefer and how to satisfy yourself will make you a better sexual partner, but can be a turn on to a partner, as well. Masturbation is also a perfect chance to avoid risk or worry about pregnancy and STDs.

So, go ahead and get to know yourself a bit better! Take off your clothes, take a shower, look at yourself nude in the mirror, put on something sexy and just go ahead and touch yourself. You won’t regret it later.

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